Dwarf Ameraucana Bantam??????


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
Is there such a thing as a "Dwarf" in the chicken world? I have a precious tiny chick that hasn't grown much ,6wks old eats, drinks ,lively and is otherwise normal. Its the only one of two that hatched under the hen. The other was tiny and died the 2nd week. The wings have grown the most. I've given probiotics, and Nutri drench and purina start and grow. But he's not growing. The mother has started back laying and the last few nights she doesn't seem to care as she will roost up where the baby can't get, Ihave to make her get down where the baby is. He just cries until she comes down. They are in their own little coop away from the other chickens. I am afraid they will hurt him . Can anyone offer insight on this? Thank you
I think there are dwarves, but can you post pictures? He sounds adorable!

Sounds like something could be wrong with it internally. A picture might help. There are bantams and breeds with short legs, dorkings and Japanese, there are mutations that happen. Also some roosters feather out slowly and can appear naked for a while. And finally since you haven't another to compare it with it may be fine. Just some ideas.
He acts completely normal ,good appetite, drinks and runs around. I've had bantam ameraucana chicks from the incubator and hatched under the hen and this is a first.
He's still doing o.k.. good appetite ,active. Yesterday it was crazy weather lot of rain and cool, I moved him and his mother inside the potting shed which is insulated as he was shivering The mom didn't stay out of the rain and she was damp.They are now both warm and toasty. Thank you.
uupdate; She is still small but her body has grown and it fits her wings now!! She's beautiful, healthy and has a good appetite. I'm so happy. the probiotics, nutridrench with high protein seems to have helped. Thank everyone for your suggestions.

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