Dying eggs/chicks


Feb 25, 2015
Saskatchewan Canada
So my grandma has recently started injecting dye into her incubated eggs, the result of course is colourful chicks! I have been reluctant to try it as I didnt feel it was worth risking the life of the growing embryo. However she was visiting here a couple weeks ago and showed me on a fridge egg how to do it. I practiced on several eggs that were going to be breakfast! I feel fairly confident that I can do it safely. I have some eggs in the incubator right now and 12 of which are leghorn ( white chicks show colour better). I am currently on day 10 and sometime in the next couple days I will be dying them. I will post pictures and let everyone know how things go. Also if anyone has any pointers I'm all ears!!
Here is a picture of one of my grandmas chicks! He was already growing out his feathers by the time I seen him, but he is still pretty stinkin cute!


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