Early duckling?


Feb 10, 2020
Hi there! My duck has been incubating for about three weeks and a duckling has decided to hatch today! Completely healthy but too early. Mummy duck still has about 10 eggs that have another week to hatch and I’m worried baby won’t get any attention. Should I hand raise baby and what’s the best way to do so? Thank you!
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The biggest problem I see is mama getting up to start caring this duckling. If she leaves the eggs she may not come back. Where are they? is mom able to leave or do you have them separated from everyone? When my Muscovy had eggs left to hatch under her I kept her inside the coop she was in so if she got up she wasn't able to go far. I was surprised she actually stayed on the nest until all the ducklings hatched which took 4 days. The only drawback to keeping her inside was I had to clean out the broody poop everyday. But I use deep litter so It wasn't too bad. Place feed and water close so she can eat and show baby where food and water is. If you notice her not caring for the duckling then you might want to step in and take it and brood it yourself. Then try and put it with her and ducklings once she brings them out. Might work might not. I saw a member did this by distracting mama with treats and placing the ducklings down with the other ducklings. It's just something to think about.

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