Easter Egg Coloring


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Can you use the traditional easter egg dyes to color brown eggs? If not, any suggestions on recipes?

last year, we just used food colouring and it worked well :)

Also we just noticed, last time trying to make hardbioled eggs, we used vinager to make it peel easy. The eggs became a lot less brown..

So I will do this for this year!
Yes you can. And you may be surprised at the color you get - as in how much color they pick up - not bright colors, but deep colors. I saw some frm a couple of years ago that someone did and the colors were really neat.

I used blueberreis, tumeric, onion skins, and strawberries to dye mine last year. I used white store-bought eggs.
I used hardboiled brown eggs with (neon)food coloring and they came out great. I also wrap an egg with a piece of silk tie, design towards egg, rubber band around the top and hardboil in water with vinegar this way. Let egg cool then unwrap egg, design will come out on egg. real cool. Wipe them with veg oil and the colors will shine brighter
i want eggs that can be eaten also.... i have christian friends coming for tomorrow's passover dinner and i want to have the usual passover eggs (roasted egg) and also a basket of easter eggs, but

i want to dye them and then we will eat them... i have tumeric at home, and beets, but if i do them with vinegar, do they taste ok afterwards?
Thank you, thank you, for all of the ideas! Happy Easter to everyone...even though we just received 16" of snow yesterday!!
well, all the natural dyes worked out really well; very pastelly eggs; we ate them the next day in the tradtional passover bbq (no one has strenghth to cook, and lots of leftovers, so bbq in backyards- for those that want to know, fire can be passed over, so no need to strike a match to light the bbq)... the eggs were fine, actually hubby put them on the bbq to roast them a bit.. thai style. yummy.
i found a chart somewhere that listed all the different colours and which ones u have to add vinegar to bind them... i did tumeric, beet root (then the left over beets that i didnt grate became roasted ante paste veggies), red cabbage, and the rest became red cabbage salad with vinegar, olive oil and garlic; tumeric mixed iwth red cabbage= a greeny sort of colour; paprika makes a pale orangey colour; that made the easter eggs for the easter part of the dinner, and then i gave my guests the some of the eggs to take home...

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