Easter egger and Olive Egger chicks - northern NJ


8 Years
Nov 9, 2011
I have a number of chicks available for sale.

These chicks were sired by my blue wheaten ameraucana, who comes from excellent bloodlines:

I have a number of Easter Egger chicks. Some of these chicks are traditional EE's - their mothers are EE's, both of these girls lay blue eggs. The chicks come out in a nice variety of colors. All are bearded and pea combed, most develop slate legs (not green).

I also have some homemade EE's - their mothers were my silver spangled hamburg and my silver lakenvelder hens. They are also bearded; the hamburg's chicks have walnut combs, and the lakenvelder's chicks have pea combs. These chicks will also lay blue eggs, but will look a little different than your "traditional" EE's, if you're looking for something unique.

My other group of chicks are Olive Eggers. They are a cross between my wheaten marans and an EE hen who lays mossy green eggs. These chicks can be expected to lay nice olive eggs. They are all bearded, with pea combs. Some have feathering on their legs, some do not.

I also have ONE little turken/showgirl cross. It has black skin and feathers, and a naked neck.

In total, I have 30-40 of these chicks. The oldest are about 2 weeks old, the youngest are just a few days old. They are $5 each, straight run. I'd be willing to do bulk discounts for a dozen or more.
Not at this time, but I will be splitting them from my main group soon. I should have some chicks hatched in April. They'll be Wheaten Marans x Wheaten Ameraucana and EE hens.
Sorry, this thread is 2 years old. I am in Hope NJ and I (07844) will be offering chicks and hatching eggs in the near future. I'll have mostly Swedish Flower Hens and OE's this year. Send me a PM if interested, I do have pics of the parent stock but am not sure ready to post an ad yet :)

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