Easter Egger chick colors?

Can anyone tell me how these genetics came to be? My EE mom and Black Copper Marans roo produced this pure white chick. I am also still questioning the sex of the chick. Born early July, is VERY tall like her dad, has (as far as I can see) no saddle feathers and no wattles, has feathered feet like her father also and a beard like mom. Any ideas? First photo is her/him with dad.

Can anyone tell me how these genetics came to be? My EE mom and Black Copper Marans roo produced this pure white chick. I am also still questioning the sex of the chick. Born early July, is VERY tall like her dad, has (as far as I can see) no saddle feathers and no wattles, has feathered feet like her father also and a beard like mom. Any ideas? First photo is her/him with dad.

Cockerel. Most likely a recessive white.
Thank you. Is his recessive gene a bad thing and if mated back to an EE would he likely produce an Olive Egger hen? Thanks again for the time.
Recessive white is not a bad thing. It's just a modifying gene for black patterning. Some breeds are dominant white, some are recessive white. Since your boy came from two, non-white parents, he is recessive white. It requires two copies of the gene to express, one from each parent.
No idea what his female chicks will lay. There is chance for olive green, but there is also a chance for brown or blue. The only way to tell what egg color genes he has is to breed him and grow out his female offspring.
Recessive white is not a bad thing. It's just a modifying gene for black patterning. Some breeds are dominant white, some are recessive white. Since your boy came from two, non-white parents, he is recessive white. It requires two copies of the gene to express, one from each parent.
No idea what his female chicks will lay. There is chance for olive green, but there is also a chance for brown or blue. The only way to tell what egg color genes he has is to breed him and grow out his female offspring.
Thanks again. Great info. I think I will keep him around for a while and see how he turns out. If he is anything like his father in temperament, he is a keeper.
I just bought 3 waster Eggers today! They called them Ameracaunas but guessing they aren't since I bet them from a feed store. Any guesses of what they'll be as adults? One has markings that look like eyebrows. So funny haha.






I only have 1 EE who is 12 weeks old and the difference from what she looked like as a baby and now is crazy. Here she is at 2 days old and at 11.5 weeks. I think she is super cool looking but if you would have told me this is what she would have turned into I would have laughed at you. Who saw the white and chocolate brown coming?? I guess this is part of the charm of the EE! In the more recent pic she is the one on the right, the one of the left is my SLW.


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