Easter Egger chick colors?

They are gorgeous,
I have two chicks that have feathers coming in similar to Voncile but with lighter heads so far. Yours are gorgeous can't wait to see how they grow.

Thank you! This is my first time ever having chickens, and the wait and see the final colors game has been death to my patience!

Any idea how she will turn out?
I don't know about your other ones, but this one looks a lot like my Sookie... This is her at a couple days old...

This is her at almost 4 weeks... she is the third one up, butt and face both to camera... lol

and her not looking at me, but a better shot of color.
Yes! She did look like that when she was a chick, she had a grey stripe on her back though, and her wing feathers do have grey too, the lighting is hard to see her true colors. I will try to get better ones in a bit. My number 2, and number 3 I think are gonna be roosters. They were supposed to all be ouellette but I'm not convinced.
Update on my ee chicks. 3 weeks and a day now.
Fern a hen, supposed to be a standard but still the same size as my bantam ee's. Is that normal? She was from a mystery girl bin.
Ida is my biggest chick has big feet same development as the others. I can't tell if there is any brown in her feathers. Sex unknown.
Olive is my smallest ee chick but holds her own. I see some brown in her. No comb showing at all. Sex unknown.
Pearl has been black and white but I see cream in her chest feathers now. Sex unknown.

These guys are all sweet and I'm very excited about how pretty they are already.
Are EE a certain breed cross?
No. The vast majority of Easter Eggers are sourced from hatcheries. Those birds are not mixed breeds. They just haven't been selectively bred to meet a specific standard, like the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds have. With the increase in backyard flock keeping in recent years, some are actually Ameraucana or Legbar mixes, but those make up a very small percentage of Easter Eggers.

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