Easter Egger club!

Where can i find some easter eggers? I would love to add atleast 1 or 2. Local would be great, since what im finding online, you have to order atleast 5 and pay for shipping. Im located in middleburg, fl.
Legs can change color after hatching, sometimes they are yellow from yolk absorbtion abd can turn green once it's out of their system.
What I thought to be Ameraucanas, though I had my suspicions, are indeed easter eggers. I have 4 and one Dixie Rainbow. Here are my Lil loveys.

This is Hershey Kisses


This is Hoots! I suspect this is my roo!

And Fiesty meeting Pickles, my Dixie Rainbow, for the first time. Pickles is several weeks younger and has been in a separate brooder.
What I thought to be Ameraucanas, though I had my suspicions, are indeed easter eggers.
I think that's the rite of passage for all eventual Easter Egger addicts... "Well, I -thought- I was getting Ameraucanas...." Next thing you know you're in love with these wonderful little mutts that you were tricked into buying and you want a hundred more. lol
I ordered 3 "auracauna" chicks from my local feed store....to bedeliveredthe end of April.

Can anyone give me advice on how to pick them out? They're supposedly sexed. Is there something I can look for to rule out Roos? I want pretty birds and colorful eggs. Do darker colored legs mean greener or olive eggs? Should I pick 3 different colors or look for puffy cheeks?

Does anyone have chick to adult pics or know where I can find a chart online?


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