Easter Egger club!

I have a Black Copper Marans Rooster as well as a Wheaten Ameracauna Rooster. I also have Blue egg laying hens and Black Copper hens. My question is which cross would get the best Olive Egger? BCM Roo over a Blue Egg layer or Ameracauna Roo over a BCM Hen? Any combination or suggestions are welcomed. This is just a project I thought I might play with this year. Thanks for any and all help!!


If you're trying to get the darkest olive color. I would go with a BCM hen and a ameraucauna rooster. That way you know how dark the copper maran egg color is which would determine how dark the olive color will be
There are 25 girls in the coop. 7 are EE that are 24+ weeks.  The rest are barred, partridge, and white rock.  Black sex link, dark cornish, and buff orpington.  Almost all of the heavy breeds were laying in the beginning of Jan. but production fell to 2 or 3 eggs a day.  We are slowly climbing back up in numbers.  I know that those really big darker brown ones in the picture are from the white rocks.   The EEs genetic background I know nothing about.  I bought them off craigslist when they were approx. 4 weeks old. I should have asked more questions that could be helpful to me now but no biggie either.  I had gotten 19 EEs.  One of the males has white ear lobes.  There was only one white/splashish feathered male in the group.  Sadly, he didn't make it through the last -30s we had last week.  The EE pullets are comparably the same size as the dark cornish.  I often get them confused at a glance until I look closer to see for sure who it is.

27 is a large number. I would separate them to know for sure. It's less common for an EE to lay a brown color than a blue.
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Sorry to hear you lost your rooster..

I have no idea about the genetics behind any of my EE's either. Except they came from a hatchery.

Nameless was just telling me he wants to move to the Iron Range.....

I really need to do something about turkey Jakes! They are driving me nuts. if I can't sell them I guess I am going to send some to freezer camp in 2 weeks. One almost went this morning. He took a leap at me when I turned my back. He does not realize it but that move has removed him from the breeding pool. I suppose I have to let the bruise heal from where the bucket hit him before I clean him...

When I went out every Jakes head was whitish blue they were so worked up. JJ as normal tried to protect me, He gets between me and the jakes and tries to keep them away from me. I wonder why he does that? it is so weird.

I have a 'rooster coop' with 9 EEs in it. I think Nameless wouldn't like it here much with so many roos already.

My turkeys have been in the exact same state as yours. Unfortunately, our bourbon red injured his leg about a week and a half ago. I have him isolated and trying to heal it up but it isn't looking promising. He was the one jake we were going to keep. Now I will have to pick between the two brown ones. They are making me feel like I should let them all go to freezer camp this week! Whew! Funny that you have one that protects you. That must make you the dominant turkey or something like that right?

Yeah the whiteish EE roo was the one the kids wanted to keep. I have decided I will find another breed of rooster for the main coop. I am not too impressed with the EEs but I know it is not representative of all EEs. Just the luck of the draw for me to get so many and NONE of them posses a 'protect yourself' instinct.
27 is a large number. I would separate them to know for sure. It's less common for an EE to lay a brown color than a blue.

I have no means of separating them at this point. I thought that brown was more common in EEs. I learn something new all the time! I am still thinking that egg was from one of the heavy girls just starting back up into laying and will keep my eyes peeled for that first egg. I can hardly contain my excitement! Thanks FVRM.
2 little EE cuties from 03/07 hatch:
The NPIP tester came today and eveything was going fine, even my nutty rooster was cooperating, so I thought "oh, this'll be easy!" Little did I know, EE Bitzi had been watching what was going on and decided she didn't like the idea of getting stuck with a needle. When I opened the door to grab another girl she literally flew the coop and REFUSED to be caught! Everyone else got tested and banded while Bitzi looked on in horror from her perch attop the duck house. She's STILL up there, actually.
The NPIP tester came today and eveything was going fine, even my nutty rooster was cooperating, so I thought "oh, this'll be easy!" Little did I know, EE Bitzi had been watching what was going on and decided she didn't like the idea of getting stuck with a needle. When I opened the door to grab another girl she literally flew the coop and REFUSED to be caught! Everyone else got tested and banded while Bitzi looked on in horror from her perch attop the duck house. She's STILL up there, actually.
poor girl:(, you might have yo win her back over with a yummy treat.

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