Easter Egger club!

I had a problem at first when I added my 4 new (2 EE's and 2 Brahma) My Production Reds were bent on killing them, particularly the Brahma rooster. Luckily though the 4 newbies were picked up on the same day so they all bonded quickly and so as the Brahma rooster quickly outsized the bully RIR and got his rooster mojo he has knocked the Reds down considerably. I am almost sad to see my Reds that used to be so confident and pushy are now submissive and almost reclusive but it means that the EE's are relatively safe because they hang out under the shadow of the rooster all day as the older girls hide from him by hanging out on top of a compost pile that he cannot easily navigate due to him being a bit of a klutz. Though he is really a sweetheart of a guy he is a little too randy for the older girls liking but the EE's benefit from his tactics haha.

My friend's red sexlinks were a bit pushy and she had to separate the 3 into their own pen. I consider sexlinks along the lines of heritage/dual purpose breeds -- assertive to downright bullies. It's good you have a roo to keep the hens in line. Aggressive hens need to be supervised by a roo. The gentle flock of girls I have now are quite peaceable and don't need supervising - 2 Silkies, an Ameraucana, and a Breda. I can leave them free-range for the day and come home knowing I won't find any that have been in a bloody fight. What a difference since we re-homed all our popular dual purpose LFs. We get less or smaller eggs but there's way less stress for me now.
Shawneegyrl I too have a bantam roo that likes big girls. He has his 5 ladies his size but his favorite is a large fowl cochin. Their chicks so far have had her feathering colors but his size mostly and body type.
I love my EE as well. His name is Eric. After my son. I don't know why I think it's OK to name animals after people. Here's his beauty shot. I've just posted on another thread. Is EE a breed or a mix breed? I'm not sure. Trying to research info.

I love my EE as well. His name is Eric. After my son. I don't know why I think it's OK to name animals after people. Here's his beauty shot. I've just posted on another thread. Is EE a breed or a mix breed? I'm not sure. Trying to research info.

EE is a term used for anything with the blue egg gene that does not fit any breed standard . Some hatchery lines have been around unchanged for 40+ years . Think of them more as a land race . A lot of variation .
here's a pretty EE cross (with Iowa Blue)

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