Easter Egger club!

Here are my new EEs! They are almost 6weeks now and all have changed so much! Kinda bummed the muffs it looked like they had as babies are going away but they are still the funniest chicks we have!
French Fry


And Rabbit

And Rabbit with her buddy Pheasant a BLRW
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Hi everyone! Has anyone ever crossed a Wheaten Ameraucana rooster with any of the following hens to get Easter Eggers? Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex or Light Brahmas? If so, did you have success?

Hi everyone! Has anyone ever crossed a Wheaten Ameraucana rooster with any of the following hens to get Easter Eggers? Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex or Light Brahmas? If so, did you have success?

This is a bantam EE and her egg . Dark Brahma rooster over EE bantam hen created her. Minty green . I guess Brahma eggs may not be brown enough for olive eggs .
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LF crosses . Dark Brahma x Legbar crossed EE hens . Top pic pullets . The very light ones came from mahogany red hens . Darker stripes are a better defined . Lower right is possibly a cockerel . Just not sure on that one .
These should be cockerels because red and silver are sex linked . So the dark chicks have mahogany red = cockerel . Lighter striped chicks have blurry striped pattern = cockerel .

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