Easter Egger club!

When do Easter Eggers typically start laying? I got my girls in mid-June and nothing so far (my RIR started laying like clockwork right at 6 months).
I've found that they need to be kept on a high protein feed for them to mature in a timely fashion. Switching to layer feed too soon or offering too many extras can really slow down their development dramatically. I've never had one that took more than 26 weeks to start, and that was in the middle of winter.
I've found that they need to be kept on a high protein feed for them to mature in a timely fashion. Switching to layer feed too soon or offering too many extras can really slow down their development dramatically. I've never had one that took more than 26 weeks to start, and that was in the middle of winter.
I had one take 28 and that seemed an eternity compared to the majority (around 21). I use a 20% starter so her tardiness wasn't protein, just a slow to mature individual.

That said, it's only been 24 weeks since June 15th so we're not outside the normal range yet. Are they coloring up in the comb? Squatting? Checking out the nests?
Caroline molting.... She hung out on the roost for most of that :lol:

Tsc online but they got them from Hoovers hatchery. They are so sweet.
In December? TSC? Really?? Wow.

I've found that they need to be kept on a high protein feed for them to mature in a timely fashion. Switching to layer feed too soon or offering too many extras can really slow down their development dramatically. I've never had one that took more than 26 weeks to start, and that was in the middle of winter.
I use chick starter for the first few weeks (as recommended) then flock raiser for the rest of their lives with ground oyster/egg shell on the side, letting their natural instincts decide when they need it or not. That way I don't have to worry about which ones are laying and need the extra calcium and which ones aren't and shouldn't get it. The flock feed I use is made by Purina and has 20% protein (I've read that EE's need more protein than other 'breeds'). I haven't used layer in a couple of years now, and seeing as I get more eggs than I know what to do with sometimes I see no reason to restart.

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