Easter Egger contest!!

Wingstone, that cockerel is amazing! Is he one of the ones you gave to Cheeka? Georgia Boy, what are those things crossed with? They are gor-geous!
All of the crested ones are frizzle polish rooster over easter egger hens and a blue cuckoo olive egger.Here is some pics of the frizzle polish rooster and the blue cuckoo olive egger with her babies from the frizzle polish rooster. The 2 naked necks were from eggs that I hatched from byc member Dipsy Doodle Doo and they are mixtures of frizzle cochin,silkies,ameracaunas,naked necks and I believe blue or black giants,and maybe plymouth rock. She sells eggs most all the time and she probably could

tell you more about their breeding.The frizzle easter egger roosters were also from eggs that I hatched from byc member ILOVEFRIZZLES,don't know anything about their breeding.Thanks so much for your compliments on my birds.

He IS one of the boys, the second is a look-a-like, slightly smaller comb, and feathered feet... they are both truly stunning, and the bantam is the sweetest little darling, they are doing very well in their new home!

and I am also interested to know how Georgia Boy got those fabulous feathers too!
I'm flattered that you like them.Really sharp looking blue easter egger roosters.
The black one has a tip on it's head that reminds me of the cardinal or blue jay crest and your frizzle's "hair-do" looks good (most frizzles look like they are having a "bad hair day" but your guy looks like he styled it

I have some very nice EE's this year, and will post pictures as soon as I get some more, I do have a couple, of the Babies I hatched this year, which are

Lacy, EE, roo SLW Hen , who lays me a nice little blue/green egg every other day soi far, she just started laying a week ago.

Molly EE/EE cross, my Splash rooster, over my blue tan hen........she lays a nice little tanish pink egg ...

Pepper same cross as Molly, same egg color too but a little larger egg.........

Now this years Roosters, same mating as last 2, Lacy was just an experiment, that turned out very nice, but I only had 1 EE hen but my pair threw alot of nice colors, Little Red Roo, Rambo, and Dutch



These boys are all 4 sale to the right Home, they are not to be bucthered............ they are hand raised nice friendly little boys..... who are now about 22 weeks old.
I also have 1 more Rooster that was an Accident, my Delaware hen got out with Gray beard, and I was collecting eggs from that pen at the time and well had a little surprise when the last hatch popped open.....hehe but he sweet and cute I will get a picture of him later I hope......... busy weekend coming. Kim
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Easter Egger
Name: Buster
Class: Cockerel
Notes: Takes very good care of the ladies and is proud of it. He needs to be re homed as I have several.
He's almost 4 mo old.

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