Easter egger not eating much

Ok corid is given. What kind of probiotic and vitamin are recommended?
Preferably one available in amazon.
If you have Tractor Supply or local feed store, you can find Rooster Booster Vitamins with Lactobacillus for the water, which contains both. Or on Amazon, you can buy Probios for probiotics, and Rooster Booster Poultry Booster vitamins for feed, Poultry Cell, or Poultry Nutri-Drench. In coccidiosis, vitamins B1, A, and K are important to replace as well as giving probiotics. Vitamin K is plentiful in leafy greens such as chopped kale. Here is a link for you: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_n...=poultry+vitamins&rh=i:aps,k:poultry+vitamins
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Well after 4-5 days of corid, she looks better. She has been moving more, foraging and even running. She however still does not want to eat the main food that the other 7 eat like there's no tomorrow. She eats bagel, rice, bread. Still no eggs.

What should I do?
Separate, give food+water, deworm?
Deworm all 8?

Repeat question (sorry):
What dosage and how often and how long? Just her or entire flock

Thanks again.
It will take her a while to lay, but you can help by giving her more nutritious food. Rice bagels and bread are pretty much junk food. Have you tried tuna, scrambled eggs or other fish? Mine LOVE baked tilapia. Whenever we have leftovers, they get it and go nuts for it.Keep giving vitamin water for a few more days and stop giving her carbs, focus on protein and she should start laying. If they haven't been dewormed in the last 6 months or so, I'd go ahead and do that too if for no other reason than a preventative to get them through winter without parasites taking their nutrition. With Valbazen, there's a 10 day withdrawal, but you treat, then re-treat in 10 days so total 20 days of tossing eggs. Sucks, I know.. but it's for their health. Let us know how she's doing! You're doing a great job with her.
The SafeGuard liquid goat wormer dosage is 1/2 to 1 ml orally, then repeat in 10 days. I like Valbazen better because it gets all chicken worms with a dosage of 1/2 ml and repeat in 10 days. For some hard to get worms such as cecal or capillary worms, the SafeGuard requires 3-5 days of dosing. The Valbazen only requires the dose once, then repeat in 10 days. I would treat the whole flock, since if he has worms, they probably all do. Here is a link for it: http://www.jefferspet.com/products/valbazen-broad-spectrum-dewormer?gclid=CML557So9sECFe7m7AodF3wAkw

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