Easter Egger Question


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Winchester, TN
What determines if EEs will lay blue or green eggs? Does the comb or beard have anything to do with it? Like if it has both pea comb and really fluffy beard is it more likely to lay the blue eggs?

Thanks to any of you who replies:)
Pea comb is more likely to be a colored egg (but either blue or green). As far as I understand if the individual EE has parentage that has brown layers in her genetics then her eggs will be green, if they have white layers in their genetics then they will lay blue. Most EE's lay some version of green, blue/green. (But there are exceptions especially w/ people who have been selectively breeding them) and most Ameraucana lay blue.
They say the pea comb is linked to the blue egg gene but there are several pea combed birds that lay colors other than blue/green. It really goes down to parentage. As long as one parent of the bird carried the blue egg gene, half of the offspring would lay blue/green eggs, since the gene is dominant. If that parent was homozygous (meaning it had 2 copies of the gene), all of the progeny would lay blue/green...well assuming they were all female
But to make it even more fun (confusing) is that blue is in the eye of the beholder. I have a number of pure ameraucanas from a well known breeder who lay eggs on the green side of blue. Even on the ameraucana chart the color of blue varies wildly.
Thanks everyone. I'll update later if she (if she is a she) lays blue, green, or brown eggs.
Anyone else who may have a little more to say on the subject?

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