Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hello, I'm hoping to get opinions on my two EEs gender. They are 4 weeks old in these pics, and look like straggly teenagers. (Hope not too many pics!) Hatchery sexed as pullets. Thanks!

First is Miss Cluck (#1)

Then there's Bertha (#2) hoping not Bert...?

Hello, I'm hoping to get opinions on my two EEs gender. They are 4 weeks old in these pics, and look like straggly teenagers. (Hope not too many pics!) Hatchery sexed as pullets. Thanks!

First is Miss Cluck (#1)

Then there's Bertha (#2) hoping not Bert...?

Still a bit early to be certain. No obvious cockerels, yet.
Still a bit early to be certain. No obvious cockerels, yet.

Ok, fingers crossed.
Thanks so much!
Here are updated pictures of Miss Cluck, and Bertha, just over 6 weeks old. Hoping to get opinions! Pullet or roo? Thanks!!

Miss Cluck:

And Bertha:

I would say both hens. They both look like my two EE pullets but I also have two EE Roosters all of which were sexed from the hatchery as pullets. I wish all four of mine were hens.

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