Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hi everyone, I was hoping for your expertise with sexing this chick. The tail feathers aren't standing up like the other EE so I'm a little concerned.



in this bottom pic it's the chick on the right
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
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How old? Saddle feathers aren't looking pointy and the comb doesn't look too masculine but it's hard to see in that pic
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About 8 weeks. The chick is full and round like its sibling but the tail is different, not very long either.
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Here are the couple of other pics. Thank you MackChick, I was really hoping for a hen! I'm a newbie and still learning. Thank you so much!

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RE: Delight30- you're lucky you can have a rooster! I wish we could've kept one of ours but the 5am wake up call didn't go over so well on our city lot ;)

RE: chics- judging by the rounded saddle feathers and feminine colouring pattern I think you're in the clear. Maybe when she gets older and more confident she'll stick her tail up!

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