Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Still haven't seen a response from anyone on this post I made. Think it may have gotten skipped over as it was on the bottom of the last page.
Quote: So far so good. I don't see anything that looks cockerel-ish. 4 wks is young. Lots of changes can happen in the next few weeks, though, especially for cockerels. If you see any big changes (reddening/growing combs or patchy/flashy new feather coloring) repost and we'll check it out.
Alright thank you!

So far so good. I don't see anything that looks cockerel-ish.  4 wks is young.  Lots of changes can happen in the next few weeks, though, especially for cockerels.  If you see any big changes (reddening/growing combs or patchy/flashy new feather coloring) repost and we'll check it out. 
This one is the only other one, and it is not a good one @Wishing4Wings
I think that black and white looks just like our boy Francis at that age!
Hello! I wanted to share a post regarding telltale signs you have an Easter Egger cockerel.
This was only my experience, and I hope it helps somebody identify whether they have girls or boys. Basically this is not a for sure guide, just hopefully a helpful post.

I was able to tell my cockerel at around 4-6 weeks old, and here are a few pictures to help.

(Sulo's tail feathers are narrow and upright.)














This is Munk an Easter Egger pullet to compare. Same age, but the feathering in is very different. Sulo's "big boy" feathers came in later then Munk's "big girl" feathers.




Sulo and Munk. (same breed/age just to see the difference)


Hope this helps someone! Easter Eggers are hard to sex, and this may not be every case, but it certainly was here and I hope these differences help people tell who is who
HUGE help! Thank you!
I think you have a pullet. The comb is still very small, and I don't see any other rooster signs. Yes, she does have some red, but it is not dark mahogany red, or patchy like it would be on a rooster. @newmarch2014 has a hen that has a lot of red speckles on it. Pullets can definitely have red too, they just don't get as dark or as patchy a red.
Said Hen for comparison

earlier pics to show how her red came in......she lays beautiful light blue eggs.
https://imgur.com/a/AkutJEaster egger chick. Labeled pullet but I'm questioning if it's a rooster. It doesn't have that rooster attitude, but it did take a week longer to get tail feathers. About 5 weeks old.

The black and white ones can be hard. But that is one nicely flat comb which would suggest pullet.

New to chickens. We got three EE and one is a very different color. Hoping someone could tell me what sex they think it is. It is 10 weeks old.

Lovely orange pullt I think. Some people see the load of feathers at the base of the tail and think cockerel but they are really rounded, a pullet "feature".

Praying my 4 EEs are girls...

All 4 (once the last picture came in
) look like pullets.

That one had to be a tough guess for a long time. Nothing but patchy coloring. Must have been one of those "you know when they either crow or lay" chicks.
I and everybody on here was a little skeptical but she was always dainty even more so than her flockmate that I was sure was a pullet. She has fine, tiny feet and legs. Her comb was the smallest and flattest with only a single row showing. I had a Brahma rooster in that batch of chicks so I was able to compare the combs side by side and felt pretty sure she was a she after a couple weeks.

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