Easter Eggers and leg color?


Feb 10, 2015
Varysburg, NY
So I am not sure where I read it. but some where I read that Easter Eggers with blue tinted legs lay blue eggs and chickens with a green tint to their legs lay green eggs. Is this just some random persons thought or has some one ever seen this to be true. I am wondering because one of my easter eggers has dark blueish legs and the other two have an olive tint to their legs. They are only 5 weeks old but I'm just interested in what color eggs they may lay. I cant wait for that first egg!!!!!!! lol
I've never known this to be true, but that may also just be my experience. Some of mine had green or willow legs and laid blue eggs, and some with blue or slate legs laid green eggs. I think it's just the luck of the genetic draw! ;)

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