Easter Eggers

My Easter Egger is an absolute character. She makes us laugh non-stop. She's SO freaking goofy. Out of my 4 hens she has the longest name because I have to constantly call her on things...she got into my house once, I woke up with her on my counter! Tilda Jane McNugget, get down from there! Tilda Jane McNugget you cannot ride in my car! Tilda Jane McNugget, will you get off of me? Tilda Jane McNugget, you are NOT coming in the house! (She knocks on the door now like this is going to fool me) This is her face at all times: (staring at me through the screen door...let me in!!)

Speaking of Lady GaGa, my EE's sing! They are 2 weeks old and their chirp is unlike any of the others. Very musically gifted.

YES! My Tilda sings too...it sounds like a purr, it's BEAUTIFUL!! Like a trilllll.
At what age did your EE's start laying? I've got 6 chicks....2 Barred Rocks, 2 EE's and 2 Welsummers (one is a roo). Our first layer at 20 weeks was a Barred Rock who is laying 1 egg per day. Today, Barred rock #2 started laying and we are at 22 weeks. So far, the EE's and the Welsummer have not laid. Waiting in anticipation for our colored eggs!!!!

And as far as personality....they are super sweet! The Welsummer is very skittish and I'm not even going to talk about the Roo...he's a ******* and may find himself in my soup soon! The Barred Rocks as sweet too, but our too poof face EE's are by far the sweetest! We love them!

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My 3 "good" poofy faced EE's just laid the first light blue egg today. Seemed to take FOREVER! I'm thinking they are like 26 weeks. The non-poofys from the feed store have been laying longer - like 6 weeks ago - but other than one laying pink, the others are brown eggs. Frankly, not the first mislabled chicks from there - they could even be BA's and BO's! It's funny, a girl was skeeert of the EE roo - and he's the biggest baby, not a tuff guy at all!

I bought EE bantams shipping to me April 8. Does anyone have the smaller ones? Are they similar personality or super quiet? I hope all 8 of mine are females.

What does an EE look like, are they flighty, friendly, and finally are they good layers ???? I might be intrested in getting some but if they are loud I cant I live too close to neighbors.
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Easter Eggers are not a breed. They have no defining characteristics other than they should have a copy of the blue egg gene. Not all even have that. They can be any size, color, or pattern. They can have any kind of personality or behavioral characteristics. They may or may not be good layers. It all depends on what characteristics their parents had. Wanting to know the behavioral characteristics of EE’s is a lot like wanting to know the behavioral characteristics of someone with blue eyes. They can be all over the board.

Since they are going to be a lot like their parents, if you can find someone that has EE’s from the hatchery or flock you will get them from, they can give you valid clues as to how your EE’s would act and lay. Each chicken is an individual but they do strongly tend to have the same characteristics as their parents. But it needs to be chickens from the same hatchery or flock.
I have EEer bantams and standard. I find that the bantams are way louder than standards because they are higher pitched. All chickens can be loud especially at laying time. I have found that the quietest birds are the red sex links and the standard EEers I got locally.I'll probably get red sex links again in future because they have a little better egg production and egg size over the EEer. I have a RIR standard that is pretty quiet but she's the most scared of me. She hollers every time I'm out there tossing seeds. But her voice is deep so she isn't that annoying to the neighbors. But again, it varies by breeders and because I don't think she's full RIR due to her lighter red coloring than what most RIR look like. The RIR is a parent of the red sex links usually blended with a white father.

The thing about EEer though is that just because mine are quiet doesn't mean yours will be because it's all in the parentage and gene lines involved in producing those EEers. They are the mutts in the chicken world. I have not yet tried black sex links but I've heard they are quiet. Australorps were supposedly quiet but mine were not. They sure were pretty in the sun though.

One other question...do you have dogs in your neighborhood? Do they bark all day long?? If so, don't worry if you have loud chickens. Complainers will have to file complaints on all the noisy dogs too. It's a pet peeve of mine. Whiners about chickens when dogs are way worse.

Hope this helps!!

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