Eastern North Carolina

Hi guys I'm Jessica. I live in eastern North Carolina. I have Orphs, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Barred Rock and a few to young to tell . My hubby says I'm quickly becoming addicted to my chickens. I am completely free range and only put my boys and girls up at dark in a fenced in area.

My oldest hen is only 15 weeks so no eggs yet. I'm getting everything ready for her in the next week.

You guys have already helped me solve serial problems and I'm as addicted to BYC as I am my chicks.
I’m in New Bern, NC . Are you still enjoying your chickens? I started last September and my 8 month old buff Orpington just went broody. I’m would like to place a fertile egg under her but I don’t have any :( so I think I will have to break her being broody. I love my BO.
I’m in New Bern, NC . Are you still enjoying your chickens? I started last September and my 8 month old buff Orpington just went broody. I’m would like to place a fertile egg under her but I don’t have any :( so I think I will have to break her being broody. I love my BO.
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