Eastern Washington

Wow, it's hot our there!

My girls free range in the fenced-in garden area, so are finding their preferred shade. Right now my coop is a lightweight feed store coop inside a 6x6 chain link kennel, (they'll have bigger digs by the end of the summer), and I bought a sheet of 2" foil-lined dense foam insulation (R19 at least) for the top of the run and covered it with tarps. My engineer-in-training son helped work out the ventilation to take advantage of any breeze. The 4x8 sheet covered most of the top after cutting to fit, and that seems to be keeping the worst of the heat out. Yesterday, the girls spent the hottest part of the afternoon in coop/kennel instead of burrowed in the dirt under the barberry bushes where they spent the late morning, so it must have been the coolest place at that time. I put out a couple of glass pie plates filled with ice cubes in the kennel, and they seem to like walking through the melted ice water. Changing the drinking water frequently, and have the mister hose running every hour for 15 min. I have frozen water strategically placed to catch the breezes coming into the kennel/coop, also. It's only going to get hotter, but so far, so good! How is everyone else faring?

sounds good PalChick... can I come play??? hahahaha
Hope everyone's flock is doing ok in this heat. I lost my Cochin yesterday, presumably to the weather, and it hit me hard. I have to stop having favorites as it send to be a death sentence here. :'( I had multiple water dishes set out, free access to varying shade and left my hose on mist. Not sure what else to do other than fill the property with ice.
Chickengarden, your girl is gorgeous! My turkey seens to suffer pretty bad in this also, poor things! Butterball hangs with the waterfowl and seemed to spend a lot of time under the mist yesterday. The chickens aren't fond of it unfortunately. Wish there was more to do to make them more comfy. I really hope I don't lose anymore.
Take care all and have a wonderful Independence Day!

oh so sorry to hear this lovinmychickypoos... that is so hard
we are having a little break in the weather here... hope it makes it your way.

Juniper Starling Moss was born July 5th at 3:36pm after 12.5 hours of labor. She weighs 6lbs 12oz and has her mother's eyes and her father's dimples.



Delivery was difficult, I have a long recovery ahead of me, but she's perfect and has the sweetest temperament. We're over the moon
Thank you all for your kind thought and words of encouragement these past months. :)

Juniper Starling Moss was born July 5th at 3:36pm after 12.5 hours of labor. She weighs 6lbs 12oz and has her mother's eyes and her father's dimples.

Delivery was difficult, I have a long recovery ahead of me, but she's perfect and has the sweetest temperament. We're over the moon
Thank you all for your kind thought and words of encouragement these past months.

ohhhhhh Chaebird!!! She's just beautiful!!! Congratulations to all!!!!! ohhhh a new baby... you look beautiful and she is a hunny... prayers of a speedy recovery for you and blessings upon blessings on your little one!
Welcome Juniper!!!
Thanks for the congrats e everyone. :) We're simply in love with her.

I have some sad news though. My husband discovered this morning that both our new hens had been killed. Apparently neighborhood folks at the local watering hole have been discussing a large raccoon that has been stalking the area. Mr. Bear is completely devastated over their loss and feels responsible, though I pointed out we've been a little busy. He's out for raccoon blood.
Chae, congratulations to you and your family! Juniper is beautiful! Hopes for an uneventful recovery and a rapid return to the comfort of your home with your little one.
Hugs over your hens. Darn coons!

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