Eastern Washington

You would think I had learned my lesson, but after free ranging in our yard all summer my girls do not take to lock and key well. They were literally throwing themselves at the gate this morning, so I let them out. 5 hens and a roo. Came home this eve to lock the coop and found 1 hen. Nothing but trails of feathers leading into the bushes to account for the rest. I hope a hen or two show up in the morning, but judging from the amount of plumage something got the roo and one hen for sure, and that is just what I found with the flashlight. Sigh. I am afraid my flock has been decimated :-(. Coyotes are on the top of my list, although I suppose maybe a family of coons might have done it too. We will see what daylight reveals. I am dreading breaking the news to my kids...these hens all had names. Lesson definitely learned for me. Chicken tractors here we come. Sigh.
You would think I had learned my lesson, but after free ranging in our yard all summer my girls do not take to lock and key well. They were literally throwing themselves at the gate this morning, so I let them out. 5 hens and a roo. Came home this eve to lock the coop and found 1 hen. Nothing but trails of feathers leading into the bushes to account for the rest. I hope a hen or two show up in the morning, but judging from the amount of plumage something got the roo and one hen for sure, and that is just what I found with the flashlight. Sigh. I am afraid my flock has been decimated :-(. Coyotes are on the top of my list, although I suppose maybe a family of coons might have done it too. We will see what daylight reveals. I am dreading breaking the news to my kids...these hens all had names. Lesson definitely learned for me. Chicken tractors here we come. Sigh.

I'm so sorry. :( I hope your kids aren't too traumatized. <3
Hello Eastsiders. I'm Jim and I just recently moved to Omak and I have a small flock already (2 red Sussexes, 3 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Rhodey-muttish one). When I got them they were giving 1-2 eggs a day...we're up to an average 4 for a day, though it's usually 2 eggs one day and 6 eggs the next *lol*.

I'm really looking forward to expanding my flock in the spring, and I'm hoping to pick up some Easter Eggers to go with my plans for Icelandics and more heavy laying hens.
Welcome Fosterson!! A flock full of redheads I see! ;) I have 4 EE (total of 9 chx) and do enjoy them. My only concern with them is that the two I had last year stopped laying in the winter and all 4 have recently cut back so I will probably have that problem this year too. I'm gonna try to get some Sussex and Wyandotte next year as they are suposed to lay well in winter. The Leghorns were the only ones keeping me in eggs last winter but I worry about their huge combs!
Hello Eastsiders. I'm Jim and I just recently moved to Omak and I have a small flock already (2 red Sussexes, 3 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Rhodey-muttish one). When I got them they were giving 1-2 eggs a day...we're up to an average 4 for a day, though it's usually 2 eggs one day and 6 eggs the next *lol*.

I'm really looking forward to expanding my flock in the spring, and I'm hoping to pick up some Easter Eggers to go with my plans for Icelandics and more heavy laying hens.
Hello Eastsiders. I'm Jim and I just recently moved to Omak and I have a small flock already (2 red Sussexes, 3 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Rhodey-muttish one). When I got them they were giving 1-2 eggs a day...we're up to an average 4 for a day, though it's usually 2 eggs one day and 6 eggs the next *lol*.

I'm really looking forward to expanding my flock in the spring, and I'm hoping to pick up some Easter Eggers to go with my plans for Icelandics and more heavy laying hens.

Welcome Jim/Fosterson!! This is a great site... you will learn so much and have fun, too!

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