Eastern Washington

Chickens are not happy with the snow at all. I noticed them sticking their heads out the door and eating the snow so I took them a bowl of snow and another bowl of warm water. They are so spoiled. Still having dog problems but I got animal control involved again and I haven't seen them since. Time will tell. Omelet is doing better but still in the kitchen chicken hospital. I crocheted her a sweater since she will never have feathers in some areas and I also worry about sun burn. Her feathers are just starting to come back. I really did not think she was going to make it. The crazy black cat is in the house since he doesn't like the snow and Omelet is growling at him. It's really funny to hear a chicken growl.

Oh, the poor dear! I've had to get animal control out here too as one problematic neighbor wouldn't keep 4 GSD puppies from roaming all over. They ended up taking them at one point when I called again as they were on my property around my birds. But the people got them back and were roaming around again. After the third call by me (other neighbors called too), she threatened him with a ticket. He begged his way out of it but she told him if she got 1 more call she'd give him two! Haven't had anymore problems and haven't heard them in awhile. I hope they rehomed them as it was obvious the poor things didn't get much attention.
My Black Australorp chicks arrived yesterday! We got 15 in all. When I got them home they looked so tiny but not kidding by the end of the day, they looked like their wings were feathering.

We built the coop in the shop so they are in the brooder in the coop in the shop.. Pretty protected from the strange weather we are having (20-50 degrees).
Ada and Marie seem to be handling the winter well. Ada went into a molt after Ruth was killed, but she's stabilized now. Sadly for me, I seem to have developed an egg intolerance since I had the baby, along with lactose intolerance. Not good news for a vegetarian who wasn't really looking to go vegan.

June is growing up so fast!
So excited, we planted our onions on Sunday. We planted 100 sweet onions in our flower bed, and left enough room for 4 potato piles and a few rows of carrots. Then the rest of the flower beds will be for tomatoes and a couple pumpkin plants to mix in with our sunflowers again. But one thing is for sure, our peppers are going to be at the other house, they go nuts over there and I barely got 3 small peppers over here. Hopefully we will have a new house by harvest time so I can start improving my soil for a garden and not feel like I am wasting my efforts for the next person's benefit. Glory of renting I guess.
Anyone else have chicks yet this season? Purchased or hatched?

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