Eastern Washington

Well, went and fed the chickens last night and noticed someone decided to kick 9 eggs out of the nest i set up but their were about 5 that were in the nest. i placed 9 in the nest a couple days ago. apparently, SOMEONE wants to hatch their own
. I think one of my black hens is gonna hatch some babies because she spends alot of time in her bucket. I usually go and see my chickens twice a day to feed and so far every morning and every evening for the past few days, she has been in her bucket and isnt too easily scared out of it. Hoping Babe, Angel, or Blondie will really start parkin their butts on that other nest in the crate. it looks like such a comfy place to have babies
Hello. I am in the Spokane Valley and just started my first flock of six hens. Hoping to find others in the area.
Hey folks we are Spokane Valley peeps so i guess this is where we ought to be ;) Last Tuesday we bought our first six chicks (hopefully they are all girls). Two Barred Rocks, 2 New Hampshire reds, and 2 Red Star. They are doing well and seem healthy. They eat and eat and sleep and peep. Not much other than that but they seem to like being handled so that is a bonus.
Seems to me like spring is just around the corner with all this chick talk! I just hatched 15 black australorp/blue copper maran chicks! And next are gonna be some olive eggers and blue copper marans! Anybody know of where to get some Easter egger hens or pullets? I only have 4 hens and would like some more! From the yakima area.

Howdy Neighbor !

I'm out in West Valley. I have 70 or so birds (I think) -- I have some EE Hens that you could probably talk me out of. They are around 2 yrs old.
Welcome to all the ones who have joined our awesome thread. I was pleasantly surprised to see 58 new posts since the last time I was here!

I can't believe I'm going to miss that poultry show in Monroe. I totally forgot to keep track of it by getting it on our calendar and hubby has us going to a friends' house to watch a UFC fight.

Oh, well. I guess I owe him since I just got 6 new chicks (EE's), 3 guineas, 2 turkeys and 5 ducks! We already have 10 one year old hens (our first) and 4 brand new goats! As you can see, I need serious help too (just like LovintheChickyPoos) but it just makes me grin ear to ear every day to see them all. ESPECIALLY the ducks. They seem to have such personalities or something. They are actually interested in people. I mean, they are incredibly messy and need more attention to keep them in constant supply of clean water and bedding but when you look at them you just say, "You are disgusting and stinky but you are so cute it doesn't matter." --Can you tell I'm in love?
AREN'T THEY???!!! Wow what a mess they make! They weren't kidding when I read "they have a special relationship with water"!!!

Been awhile since I've been on here! Hope no one ends up with the yucky tummy bug that hit my daughter and I! It still has me a bit low after a few days from the start of it!! Couldn't have come at a much better time either since it was the day after I got new feather babies.

Speaking of......

They are sooo busy! I'm finding the two geese and the two turkeys are the boldest and come right up to me. The geese tend to obsess about the chicks and poults wing feathers. I think it is because they are jealous they have such stubby ones right now! I will soon have to open the brooding pen next door to make more room and allow a wider birth for the wacky water play!

My new Silkie baby

One of our new Buff Orpington Babies

my Blue Cochin Bantam baby!!

We just added to our flock! We currently have a EE, a Black Astrolorp and a Wyondotte.. Chicken Math! HA HA! I am in Omak, been lurking around on and off for over a year now. LOL I do not get on much. I need to get on here more.. So neat to see so many more people from EW here! WOO HOO!!!!!

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