Eastern Washington

I candled the last nest I pulled this evening. Saw that about 5 had some definite "something" in them. so I marked them and set them in front of my one hen that's settin hard in hopes that she will nudge them under her. the rest, I tossed. Wanted to make sure I wasnt tossing anything that might be alive so I'm glad I candled them first
Does anyone know if Spring weather will be back this weekend? It's been so cold and snowy the last few days I think I'm slipping back into that Winter funk.
My apricot tree is in bloom right now, with temps like last night it is doomed. We had blue sky's yesterday but the wind was blowing so hard you could hard do anything outside.... pooy!
Velvettfog, You gotta stop man.
You're killing me. I pulled a rib muscle loading the new garden beds with dirt and I cannot stop laughing. Is rabbit any good? The wife and I had contemplated going the rabbit route for meat purposes, but decided on chickens because we had never eaten rabbit.

Btw sorry if i offend anyone asking that type of question, but I am a carnivore and won't apologize for being one.
Velvettfog, You gotta stop man.  :lau You're killing me.  I pulled a rib muscle loading the new garden beds with dirt and I cannot stop laughing. Is rabbit any good?  The wife and I had contemplated going the rabbit route for meat purposes, but decided on chickens because we had never eaten rabbit.

Btw sorry if i offend anyone asking that type of question, but I am a carnivore and won't apologize for being one.

As a vegetarian who loves her chickens and rabbit as much as her puppy, I have nothing but respect for people who raise/hunt their own meat. I can't stand evangelical vegetarians/vegans.
Velvettfog, You gotta stop man.
You're killing me. I pulled a rib muscle loading the new garden beds with dirt and I cannot stop laughing. Is rabbit any good? The wife and I had contemplated going the rabbit route for meat purposes, but decided on chickens because we had never eaten rabbit.

Btw sorry if i offend anyone asking that type of question, but I am a carnivore and won't apologize for being one.

Rabbit is tasty - but like all animals, there are some that are better suited for the table, and others that make good 4-H projects, or great pets.

If you are looking strictly at the feed to meat comparison - I believe that rabbit will provide you a better meat-to-feed ratio. (Chicken is a close 2nd-ish).

There are other advantages to keeping rabbits:
  • Their poo is not "hot" you can add it to your garden right away
  • You can freeze the pelts until you have enough - I've heard of them selling for 5-10$ each
  • They require less space than chickens (but they are diggers, so you cannot keep them on dirt - plus if you do they will get worms)
  • They breed like.. well .. they breed like rabbits :)
Velvettfog, You gotta stop man.
You're killing me. I pulled a rib muscle loading the new garden beds with dirt and I cannot stop laughing. Is rabbit any good? The wife and I had contemplated going the rabbit route for meat purposes, but decided on chickens because we had never eaten rabbit.

Btw sorry if i offend anyone asking that type of question, but I am a carnivore and won't apologize for being one.
Tastes Like "chicken"he he .. but the bones are different. I would try some first before you go for them.
I have *got* to remember to candle tonight. Today is day 17 - and I've not candled them even once. Hopefully the hatcher is dialed in - I've not checked it yet this afternoon - but it should be all set and ready to go. I'll move the eggs tomororw -- if I dont forget. I forgot once and came home from work to find that chicks were hatching all over the auto-turner.

No chicks were harmed.

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