Eastern Washington

see you in heaven, Weeone
I have discovered that my chickens have lice!!!
I spread poultry dust in their coop and run and on their roosts. tonight when they go to bed, Ill dust them as best I can. I noticed a couple on that sick chick and it really irritated me that I didn't notice it sooner. that's the downside to not having friendly chickens. It's harder to see the bugs unless you get to snuggle with your chickens. Oh well, the poultry dust should work fairly quickly and wipe out the bugs
Ah, Whiski. Sounds like you're down on your luck. If catching your not so friendly chickens will stress them out, you can get some Diatomaceous Earth, also known as D.E. Just make sure it's food grade. You can put it in the nest boxes, and in the coop. If they have a spot to dust, put some in there too, and they'll dust themselves and you won't have to piss them off.
Sorry it's been a tough weekend for you.
My bantam EE, Marie, hasn't laid in a couple of weeks. We keep checking her, she's not egg bound, she's not in distress or acting strangely. I just don't know what's up.
ChaeBird, You didn't say how old she is. It's my understanding that chickens only lay for 2-3 years, then their little egg baskets are empty I might be mistaken. Does she act like she feels fine?
Vicki, I'm pretty sure you are an awesome Gran. I bet all I'd have to do is ask the opinion of your Granddaughters :)
Dave, you are cool too but I think you know that ;) My hubby knows how to sew, cook, crochet and knit. I think he's not normal for his gen, though, being 35. Our boys will learn these skills, too. My dad is the same way. My mom and I find it strange that our husbands can come along and find a better way to do some "domestic" task that we've been doing all along. Men just have different brains. Better spacial relationship skills, etc.
Whiski, I am sorry, too, that you've been having a rough go of it. Hope things get better at your place.

We got our goats into their new yard. So, there's been no more escaping. Now we just have to build a proper shelter for everyone (goats, (future sheep) chickens, turkey, guinea and ducks). And of course, we need to finish our perimeter fencing and probably get to work on fixing up our "fixer-upper" house!

I have more ducks on the way, too. Out of the 5 ducks I have I only have 1 girl. So, I ordered 3 female Black Cayugas, 1 female Snowy Mallard and 1 female Buff Duck. I read that the last two breeds make good mothers and I don't want to be ordering baby birds every year so I am hoping my chickens and my ducks will figure out how to raise their own. I also found out that the Ag Supply store in Wenatchee is getting more Khaki Campbells and I am going to try to pick out 5 girls. I watched a video that makes it look pretty easy. I just love the ducks!

Right now it absolutely dumping snow and it has been for the last 4 hours. None is sticking, though, but I can imagine that up at Vicki's it might be a different story?
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chickengarden, I've been missing you! It's actually quite sunny today, though a bit chilly. The snow hit here Sat. night, and destroyed one of my maples. Another was hurt, but can be saved. They were blooming, so held a lot of snow, and the branches weren't strong enough to take the load. I'm so disappointed!
Glad you're making such good progress on the fencing! It sounds like you've got more animal friends than I can imagine! I think it's so cool!
She's young, 6 months old today. She started laying about a month ago, and was laying every day.
If she is 6mths maybe she is going to molt now. Has she done that yet? Or just needs to take a little brake, mine do that ocassionaly especialy if she has been laying every day.

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