Eastern Washington

Yay! Thanks! I have no idea what I'm doing for my birthday! XD

Can anyone help me with my duck problem? In the mornings, she is SO noisy! I'm not sure what the quack means, but she continuously quacks while running back and forth across the yard! She scolds me for being out, then she quiets down as soon as I go in the house! She is so noisy and annoying - what do I do? Can I do anything to break this habit of hers?

Thanks! If no one knows, I'll post this in the duck section of the forum.
Bad storm here, who else is affected? It was bad for about 15 mins (wind, branches flying around, etc) then it slowed down and we had sheets of rain (rain, rain, GLORIOUS rain!!!!) for a bit. Now we have a little wind and it's just sprinkling. During this whole time it was thundering and lightening really bad. I got so scared that I brought my chickens, duck, and rabbits inside! The reasons being that I didn't want them to get too scared, and I didn't want the big maple tree to fall on them if the winds got too bad.

Apparently a tornado was also possible, but the closest thing we've seen to a tornado would be the giant dust devil in our neighbor's yard! XD
Can't see where you're at on the mobile site, but here in the Tri-Cities have been getting a great storm over the last hour! My birds have been thru this before and aren't too bothered. Chickens head to the roost, duck and geese kinda hang out in the rain. Saw that Pendleton had the tornado warning. Don't really believe it'll happen... Hopefully. We keep getting flash flood warnings now.
I'm in Walla Walla. The rain and wind have stopped, and we have SUNSHINE!!!! It's so bright! And we can actually see the blue mountains! I'm so glad that we had this much needed rain to clear the air!

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