Eastern Washington

there's a reason for the expression "Mad as a wet hen" hahaha... my girls were not impressed by the rain! Tilly stuck one toe out of the coop and did a u-turn! They did eventually venture forth, but were not thrilled, eventually roosting on my lawn swing! Silly girls
there's a reason for the expression "Mad as a wet hen" hahaha... my girls were not impressed by the rain! Tilly stuck one toe out of the coop and did a u-turn! They did eventually venture forth, but were not thrilled, eventually roosting on my lawn swing! Silly girls

Just found this thread,

Have you seen Backyard Puoltry's shirts?, They are very simular to you're avitar.

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how's your little sweetheart?  I can just imagine she is smiling big smiles by now...

She's perfect and amazing! Thank you for asking. And yes, smiling all the time now, I love it! :D I'm dizzy with love. I love her giant apple-shaped head and her soft baby hair and her skin that smells like love.


We ended up moving the chickens feed inside their coop to keep it away from neighborhood birds. It seems to be working.
Had an interesting experience....
Something had tried digging into my bird pens so I borrowed my mom's live trap. Guess what I caught ( not the weasel I was hoping for)?! Yes, it was PePe! I managed to creep up on it behind a tarp, put the tarp around the trap, load it on my truck, and set it free in a habitat area all WITHOUT getting sprayed! I can't imagine what people thought when they drove by me wearing yellow rubber gloves and a dust mask! When I opened the cage he slowly crept out instead of running like I hoped and I froze holding the door until he turned his head towards me and then I ran! We must've scared each other because when I turned he had disappeared! B.t.w., I didn't shoot it because I have houses near me and no .22 ammo to spare ( certainly not a good idea to use the .45!).
I'm new and glad to see an Eastern Washington thread. I am near Walla Walla and am just building my coop. I have settled on Plymonth Rocks and to start with older chicks. I believe the 8-weeks are pullets? Does anyone know if Phinney's is still around? I heard it shut down? Also heard of Chick Chasers in tri-cities but they don't have their website up.
Welcome to the forum! I'm from Walla Walla, too!

Yes, Phinneys shut down a while ago, unfortunately. In the spring you can buy chicks from feed stores like Bordertown, Ranch and Home, and others, but there aren't any local hatcheries around here. You can order young layers from I think McMurray and maybe Cackle.
Just checking in. Want to welcome all of our newer members. We're all pretty new here.It's been a busy summer for everyone I'm sure. Once the chores dwindle, and the weather turns colder with shorter days, we spend a lot more time chatting here, so don't give up on us.

lovinchickypoos, omg. omg. omg!!!!! It must have been a small trap. I've heard if PePe can't raise his tail, he can't let you have it. I might have felt compelled to call for DH to assist, but you knew just what to do. You rock, girl!!! I am duly impressed. I've heard of people tying a rope to the handle and then dropping in lake or whatever for awhile, and retrieving via the rope, but you were much more humane. I'm glad I don't live near this habitat area though.

smurphy 2000, You might check at local fairgrounds for a poultry show. There was one early this spring at the Monroe fairgrounds, but maybe there are some in the Fall someplace as well. Also, learn your way around this website. There are many forums, and maybe you'll run across someone needing to reduce their flock. There's a "Buy, sell, trade" thread. If you've decided on Plymouth Rock's, then find that thread under "Chicken Breeds" There's also a 24 hour auction which I love. You'll find something on this site I'm sure.

Hope everyone is having a good summer, good harvest, good eggs, good everything.
Talk to you soon,
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