Eastern Washington

Blowing them is easy -- you just cut a small hole (in the goose eggs...a pin prick in duck or chicken eggs) in the big end and scramble the contents, then let them drip out, then rinse the inside. There's instructions online for various ways :) I just prefer to buy pre blown eggs because a rotten goose egg in the mail is a NASTY surprise.
How is everybody holding up in these wind storms? It tipped my little pine tree over twice, but it's in a pot waiting for spring to replant it, and tried to take my greenhouse last night. But when the sun was out yesterday it was really pretty. Anybody planning their gardens yet?
Hey Vickis... Totally anecdotal, but personally I wait until their combs are reddening up ( happens just before they start laying), then switch to layer pellets. They need the increased calcium/ decreased protein to properly form eggs, even the first ones. 1/2 of my young pullets have started laying and 1/2 are holding out for longer days.

Raech...YES! I am starting from scratch, literally a mud hole right now, with lawn, landscaping and flower beds for our house and a huge 1/3 acre market garden for veggies. I have so much prep work to do i am happy it is not spring yet, but also am itching to start planting stuff!

The wind always stresses me out...i lay in bed listening to things clatter and bang, envisioning all of the damage that might be happening. I will be very happy when this sustained high wind comes to an end! It is snowing right now...wind-driven of course!

Hope everyone is hunkered down and enjoying the weekend!
Hey, everybody! I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I'd ask a question. How can I turn the chicken yard back into good grass this spring? It's mostly mud right now. I was thinking maybe block off a section and put down grass seed, then wait 'til it grows out and repeat with a different section?

Getting super sick of the wind here! It threw off the 2 oak pallets from my goose/duck shelter roof that was holding down plastic (which was also stapled down) over straw. So much for that idea! Gladly, no one was squashed! Our weather people ALWAYS get it right about the wind coming but seem to never know when it will stop!
Hey, everybody! I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I'd ask a question. How can I turn the chicken yard back into good grass this spring? It's mostly mud right now. I was thinking maybe block off a section and put down grass seed, then wait 'til it grows out and repeat with a different section?

Someone on byc made a 2x4 frame, put tight wire over it then planted the grass seed underneath it, the grass will grow up through the wire, but the chickens can't get to the roots, so it can keep growing. She had several of these in her run, they worked great. i'm going to try it this year.

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