Eastern Washington

Cats, lots and lots of free ranging domestic and feral cats. Cats have no problem scaling our 6ft wood privacy fence.

We have raccoons, and yes I have seen them climb chain link and a 6ft privacy fence. They are usually only out at night but I have seen them when I took my son to school 8:30-9:00am. From a distance, most people think they are cats. They do not look like the raccoons people are use to seeing on TV.

I have never seen them but I know we have skunks. I smell them a few times in the spring and a few times in the fall between 1:00 and 4:00 am.

As for hawks I have seen a few, not many where I am at but it depends where in Spokane you are.

Neighbor kids, I am not kidding! I have had kids pull the boards off my fence. Sneak in to the yard when they thought we were gone. On one day, my husband caught three different groups of kids in our privacy fenced backyard. My van was gone so they knew I wasn't home. They didn't think of my husband taking a day off work.
I have a neighbor boy that is determined to get some of my eggs; he wants to hatch them. It doesn’t mater that I said NO, he has no clue how too or that he is the last kid that should have a chick or a chicken for that matter.

My chickens have three lots to roam but only while I am at home. Good thing I am retired.

Did you DH use the BB gun on the kids? Call the cops and get them for tresspassing....Oh, I would be mad.

A BB gun may be to dangerous, "You'll shoot your eye out".

Sorry had to do that.
I called the cops and a nice police officer called me four hours later, to ask if the kids where still here. What?
I guess I was suppose to bribe the snots with milk and cookies untill they arrived.

No BB gun, I don't think uh...... I don't use the D word for my husband, I have another name I call him, haha.
err... anyway, I don't think my husband would want to be arrested. Actually, I am pretty sure of that.
I guess that would be a good way to get the police at my door though!

Wait, I just thought of a good D word. LOL!
Paint guns as well as BB guns are considered cruel, for cats as well as kids.
I am afraid either, would mean a fine or jail time or both.

It's sad really, I have never had a problem with the wild animals, only domestic cats and humans.

My husband is building a concrete block fence but that's a lot of fence.
we now have a dog that barks and bites. I make sure everybody knows it too!
What a nice and wonderful offer of your time and talent. Thank you, for helping mrsbos out.

Mrsbos, I am sorry the person you thought was your friend/neighbor turned out to be so deviously sneaky and mean.
Try not to let a few false people ruin your friendships with your other friends/neighbors.
Just keep in mind, some people need to have SOMETHING to complain about. It makes them feel better about themselves.
Hopefully, she finds something else to lament about soon.
Paint guns as well as BB guns are considered cruel, for cats as well as kids.
I am afraid either, would mean a fine or jail time or both.

It's sad really, I have never had a problem with the wild animals, only domestic cats and humans.

My husband is building a concrete block fence but that's a lot of fence.
we now have a dog that barks and bites. I make sure everybody knows it too!

I was of course joking about the BB gun (on the kids), although a little Red Rider works well on cats. But be aware...a mean dog can cause you just as much grief and tickets as any of these other items. We had a neighbor dog come in to our pasture, attacked my mom and oldest son....mom hit it with a valve for changing sprinklers and it ran home. DS came to house and got dad....dad went out with shotgun...dog came back...dog got shot and got dead. Police came out (called by dog owner). Dog owner got visious dog ticket. Us: pat onthe back from all the neighbors for disposing of a problem dog. I like dogs, don't get me wrong - I have 5. I have more than once popped neighbor cat with my little Red Rider becaue of where it was. There are much more powerful BB and pellet guns that are no less than a .22....my Red Rider just makes a nasty welt. I have even shot my own dogs, from a distance, for barking too much...Now they listen to me when I say NO BARK. We have also used a paint ball gun on problem dogs....they go home and the owner knows that the dog was where it should not have been. But saying this....I live in County, not City limits.

Also, sorry The D is not for dear....but I understand. My DH at times is not so dear.....darn nuisance comes to mind ocasionally....and much other stronger words.
Paint guns as well as BB guns are considered cruel, for cats as well as kids.
I am afraid either, would mean a fine or jail time or both.

It's sad really, I have never had a problem with the wild animals, only domestic cats and humans.

My husband is building a concrete block fence but that's a lot of fence.
we now have a dog that barks and bites. I make sure everybody knows it too!

I was of course joking about the BB gun (on the kids), although a little Red Rider works well on cats. But be aware...a mean dog can cause you just as much grief and tickets as any of these other items. We had a neighbor dog come in to our pasture, attacked my mom and oldest son....mom hit it with a valve for changing sprinklers and it ran home. DS came to house and got dad....dad went out with shotgun...dog came back...dog got shot and got dead. Police came out (called by dog owner). Dog owner got visious dog ticket. Us: pat onthe back from all the neighbors for disposing of a problem dog. I like dogs, don't get me wrong - I have 5. I have more than once popped neighbor cat with my little Red Rider becaue of where it was. There are much more powerful BB and pellet guns that are no less than a .22....my Red Rider just makes a nasty welt. I have even shot my own dogs, from a distance, for barking too much...Now they listen to me when I say NO BARK. We have also used a paint ball gun on problem dogs....they go home and the owner knows that the dog was where it should not have been. But saying this....I live in County, not City limits.

Also, sorry The D is not for dear....but I understand. My DH at times is not so dear.....darn nuisance comes to mind ocasionally....and much other stronger words.

I am glad you got the "You'll shoot your eye out" reference.
I was of course joking about the BB gun (on the kids), although a little Red Rider works well on cats. But be aware...a mean dog can cause you just as much grief and tickets as any of these other items. We had a neighbor dog come in to our pasture, attacked my mom and oldest son....mom hit it with a valve for changing sprinklers and it ran home. DS came to house and got dad....dad went out with shotgun...dog came back...dog got shot and got dead. Police came out (called by dog owner). Dog owner got visious dog ticket. Us: pat onthe back from all the neighbors for disposing of a problem dog. I like dogs, don't get me wrong - I have 5. I have more than once popped neighbor cat with my little Red Rider becaue of where it was. There are much more powerful BB and pellet guns that are no less than a .22....my Red Rider just makes a nasty welt. I have even shot my own dogs, from a distance, for barking too much...Now they listen to me when I say NO BARK. We have also used a paint ball gun on problem dogs....they go home and the owner knows that the dog was where it should not have been. But saying this....I live in County, not City limits.

Also, sorry The D is not for dear....but I understand. My DH at times is not so dear.....darn nuisance comes to mind ocasionally....and much other stronger words.

I am glad you got the "You'll shoot your eye out" reference.

LOL..yep. I understand. My little Red Rider has come in handy more than once. It was cheap and it is easy to use for me. And I am amazed at its accuracy at a decent distance. Neighbor dog was putting her head through (of course the only bad spot in the fence - now fixed) the fence and trying to get in at my chickie poos. Used RR and popped her right in the shoulders....she never bothered that spot again. Great little gun.
Ouch, that's quite the walk home! I hope you don't have to leave again for a while! The rain has kept me indoors and not out working on the coop, but all my streets are paved, so not much to worry about there.

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