Eat the comb or feet?


Feb 18, 2021
San Martin, Peru
Does anyone eat the comb? I usually just discard the entire head, am i missing something? I found a recipe for braised combs and i think it looks worth a try.

Also feet is something i also just discard, do they taste good with the right recipes?
Does anyone eat the comb? I usually just discard the entire head, am i missing something? I found a recipe for braised combs and i think it looks worth a try.

Also feet is something i also just discard, do they taste good with the right recipes?
Chicken feet are often used for making soup stock. If memory serves, they have a fair amount of gelatin in them, meaning that the stock with gel when it cools, like Jell-O.
I haven't heard of anyone eating combs or wattles, but I do know that you can also use the head of a bird for stock.

Basically, if it's bones, it can become broth.

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