Eating Chickens' First eggs

For some reason it does happen, so you're not the only one. Me, that's part of why I got chickens, so no hesitation in cracking that first one and eating it pretty much right away.

Just remind yourself that these eggs are far fresher than anything that you can get in a store, and they're the fruits of your patience and labor. :)
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First time chicken mama (Mommy Roo) and find myself hesitant/nervous to eat the first eggs that our Orpingtons and Australorps are starting to produce. Is this common or am I really goofy???
Oh Happyozarkgirl……same!!! My 6 girls just started laying, (well one girl), and i was kinda weird about eating the first egg too. I almost would not have, but, i felt i needed to get over myself and eat the egg. I have worked so hard these past 21 weeks to get them to this point. I cracked it open and it was beautiful, flawless, nice hard shell. I have got 5 eggs total and find utilizing them for recipes makes it not so weird. I know….its a mental thing we have to overcome. I get so emotional when I see an egg. There has been 1 precious, perfect, (although small) egg everyday for the past 5 days. Once I use their eggs to make sunny side up I’ll feel I’m over myself. Hubby still has not eaten one. Seems to think eating the first eggs is not normal for some reason. Oh well! More for me and my friends! 🐓❤️


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I was wondering about eating my pullets first eggs.....only because my Mom told me not to and when I asked why she said growing up on the farm Grandma always said not to eat the first eggs and would give them to the hogs.

I don't get it, I mean they are just small normal eggs aren't they? First eggs can't make you sick can they?

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