Eating eggs after Baytril treatment


10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
Hawthorne, CA
It is now 15 days since the last dose of Baytril for my hen. How long do you abstain from eating eggs from a hen after baytril treatment? What do you do with the eggs that you you cook them and feed them back to the chickens? When I called Bayer Animal Health, they were adamant about Never Eating Eggs from the treated hen, but I also note that other sites (UK) post that their vets do not give them a time restriction.

You input?
There's a 28 day withdrawal. I cant post the link to reference it though. I dont recommend feeding the eggs back to your birds, it'll extend the withdrawal. Baytril is a potent antibiotic, the eggs have the residue in them. It's best to toss them in the garbage.

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