Eating the azaleas


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Walterboro, SC
We just moved and where we put our coop and run there were several azalea bushes. Good place for them to stay out of harms way of the hawks but lately we have seen them jumping up and plucking the flowers off the bushes. Is this harmful for them to eat the leaves And flowers?
I don't know for certain about Azaeleas but chickens generally know what is not good for them and avoid it. I don't expect it will hurt the chickens but you won't get to enjoy the flowers this year!

Enjoy the birds!
chickens in captivity are likely to pluck at things they would not otherwise eat, so you should be careful what is available in their runs. that includes Styrofoam, (which they will ingest anywhere) as in food packaging, and plastic bags. having moved from my little farm, i now have only one Banty hen, who comes in the house at night to socialize (with us and our cats) before hunkering down on her laundry basket, and i have to protect her from her curious self, and protect my house plants from her picking, for her safety sake. i have not seen her attack an azalea during her "exercise breaks" in the yard, but when i brought in a hot-housed one on a frost-warning night, she went right for it.

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