eating your pet open discussion

this is a debate about eating meat not about making fun of peoples beliefs ok

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Getting back on topic, no, I don't eat my "pets", but I have chickens that are pets and chickens that are destined to be dinner one day. I do what I can to not get emotionally attached to the ones that will be harvested. (You can see I still have trouble with the usual terminology.) Hubby raised quail for a couple years, which I don't care for the taste of, but it helped me be a little more comfortable with getting to know my dinner while it's still running around the backyard. This year, we added a couple jumbo cornish cross and several white rocks to our small flock. The cornish cross were amazing and for the first time, I appreciate the life that is sacrificed to provide nourishment for my family and me.

Incidentally, I would not recommend cornish cross for those who are new to raising chickens for meat. It's heartbreaking to see them suffer when their legs can't support them, even when rationing their food. And boy, do they stink!
I hatched a lot of chicks this year, and some are bound to be roosters, so, when the time comes, they will be dinner, because honestly, I can't keep them, and I've had almost no luck selling them. Since I don't know which ones are roosters, I'm not getting attached to any of my birds until I know for sure.. except for the only bantam that hatched... how could you not?
We were pretty lucky, out of a straight run group of one day old chicks, we got three pullets and only one rooster. Named them at the start, figured I would play the odds, but I named Roque after my wife's best friend's father, who used to raise chickens...and he turned out to be the lone rooster. Should have named him Katey, maybe? Next week up here in Butte County, California we are having a county fair. Will try to home our rooster with someone who is allowed to keep them. He's a good bird. Elegant (as far as a chicken can be, he still pecks at poop) and is very intelligent. Plays well with the ladies, except when treats are introduced...then it's bar the door, Katey....big old yellow legs and feet. Protective, but not territorial....he's the first to come to me when I shake the plastic cup with food!
I get attached to all my chickens, that's what makes it so hard when it comes time. I do not treat them like pets or pet them but I really enjoy having them around. But when a hen no longer is laying a fair amount of eggs or any roosters I just don't need they go on to serve their next purpose, in the crock pot slow cooker surrounded by taters carrots and onions.
I have two new breeds coming any day now I hope, white giants and langshans. I don't need my favorite roo anymore, a welsummer. So I have a few options, I really like this roo because he is beautiful, and really calm and nice to my kids and the hens, I just don't plan on breeding welsummers anymore. I could fence him away from the flock, not nice IMO, and spend hundreds of dollars in feed until he croaks, all while I feed the family battery hybrid chicken from the store.Try re-homing him, not going to happen probably have a hundred+ dollars in feed in him. I think the pressure cooker and chicken and biscuits is where he will end up, family loves chicken and biscuits.

PLEASE report any posts that break BYC rules, including trolling, flaming, arguing and fighting. Do not quote these posts and do not respond to them. If you disagree with someone, state your view in a CIVIL manner. Also, let's keep religion out of it, please.
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I think that although I have done so before it has been lost so I thought id specify my views I don't eat meat except fish and I think there is nothing wrong with eating your "pets" but I wouldn't do so myself

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