Ebay Chicks--What are they?!


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2015
My first round of Ebay eggs hatched yesterday! 5 went into the hatcher and 4 came out! Sadly, one died while zipping. :-( It was in a weird position when I cracked the egg...poor guy! It was a beautiful silver/black chick!

So, what are these chickens?! I bought them off Ebay and they are from a mixed flock. Here is what she says she has: "The roosters in this pen are -2 Welsummer, 2 Frizzled Olive Eggers, 2 black Sizzles, 1 deep Olive Eggers, 1black Frizzle Cochin, 1 Blue Ameraucana, 1 Cream Legbar and 1 Easter Egger. The hens in this pen are - 2 Frizzled Olive Eggers, 3 Welsummer, 2 Olive Eggers, 1 black Frizzle Cochin, 2 Blue Ameraucana, 1 Cream Legbar, 3 Easter Eggers, 1 Mille Fleur D'Uccle, 1 Salmon Faverolles, 1 White Crested Black Polish, 1 Buckeye, 1 Blue Andalusian, 3 Silkies asst. colors, 4 Black Copper Marans, 1 Silver Cuckoo Marans and 1 White Showgirl. "

Here are my babies! The black one had a super rough hatch and bled quite a bit. It spent at least 12 hours unable to hold it's head up but would still chirp and react like the other chicks. Overnight it perked up tho and is doing a lot better! Here are the pics!

This one(and one that looks almost like this one) came from a whitish egg.

This one came from a blue egg.

I have two like this one and they came from small olive colored eggs.

This one came from a dark brown egg--not as dark as a Copper Maran egg but really brown.

The whole bunch!

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