Echo - mystery bin chick #2


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2016
North Carolina
I picked Echo out of the mystery bin because of his/her beautiful wings and pretty copper coloring. I originally thought that Echo was a red-sex link, but now I believe that he/she is a PR/RIR. Echo was the runt of the 17 chicks that I bought that day. He/she is still one of my smallest birds, somewhere between the Leghorns and the Australorps. Echo is the friendliest chick that we have, he/she will come up to me and my husband to be picked up, he/she loves to be carried around and snuggled. Echo also follows us around the pen like a puppy, always underfoot.

I believe that Echo is a cockerel but my husband insists that she is his girl (pullet). So please help me figure out if Echo is a cockerel or a pullet and what possible breed he/she could be (the down feathers are a medium brown color as opposed to my bigger PR/RIR's whose down feathers are beige).


Thank you, I will try to get a shot of Echo standing and post it to this thread. I forgot to mention that he/she has green neck and tail feathers coming in.

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