EcoGlow Chick Brooder

I love the ecoglow! unfortunately my first hatch will be my first and only hatch so buying one is probably out of the question unless i see it at a garage sale (which is highly rare) since i live in a subarb/city. lol.

I have a ecoglow 50 and love it. Have had 6 chicks under it for five days and not pasty butts. Getting 25 more chicks on Monday.
I'm super excited to try ours out. The suspense of waiting for the chicks and ducklings to arrive is getting to me and i still have 7 weeks left to wait. I got one out last night to show my DH and he thought they were a great idea. I'm just hoping that the ducklings all fit under it ok. Since i've never had ducklings before i'm not sure if the different breeds will all the able to use the same height setting at the same time or not? And if not, will the shorter one's be warm enough if it's on a higher setting?

I have both my EcoGlows on shortest/lowest setting, and my ducklings fit just fine!
I wound up putting in an order for the EcoGlow 20 last night straight from the company. It will not ship until the latter part of March. (They must really be popular!) I cannot wait to get it! My babies will come on April 12th. And, from all I have read, this really seems to be the best way to get the babies started off in life!
You can also keep it on a lower setting and prop one side up on a piece of wood. The larger chicks can use the extra height and the little ones can use the lower end. Do not put it flush against a wall of your brooder, in case they all pile up together and someone near the bottom wants to get out - they can slip out the back side. Also, if you are using a Rubbermaid container, be sure it has enough space that the chicks can get away from the EcoGlow if they want to cool down and play a bit. I have both sizes and have been singing the praises of this product since last June!!! Register your EcoGlows online to get an extra free 2 yr warranty. Blessings to all!!!
I am completely sold! I'm taking back my heat lamp and light bulbs tomorrow. I've already ordered the EcoGlow and look forward to keeping my chicks much happier this way. Thank you everyone for your comments & pictures.
I am sold too, I ordered mine this past weekend . I was uncomfortable with the idea of a heat lamp on all day, and me at work.


I am completely sold! I'm taking back my heat lamp and light bulbs tomorrow. I've already ordered the EcoGlow and look forward to keeping my chicks much happier this way. Thank you everyone for your comments & pictures.
Good for you! You will love it!!

I am completely sold! I'm taking back my heat lamp and light bulbs tomorrow. I've already ordered the EcoGlow and look forward to keeping my chicks much happier this way. Thank you everyone for your comments & pictures.

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