Ed Harris Redmond man shoots dog attacking chickens remember me????

One can just hope that Karma will kick in sometime soon.
**edited to remove inappropriate comments**

I also hope that someone else is calling him on his stuff. If he tried to tell me the sob story of his dog, I'd straight out tell him it was his fault and that he was an idiot to have let his dogs off leash. I'd tell Gnapp that he needs to face that fact and leave you the heck alone.

Perhaps this is why I'm divorced, too. I'm a straight talker.
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Erafter, I don't have time to read all through the posts but if this hasn't been resolved, and since you asked for prayer, I'm gonna just encourage you to have faith, follow Scripture to the absolute inth degree, and trust God that the truth will prevail.

I don't have the time nor the desire to publicly go into it all in this forum but I will say that I was once facing some very salicious and false serious charges and I trust God to protect me. In doing so, I saw some mighty miracles performed.

God Bless,
It's amazing that such simple animals as chickens and dogs can bring out all the worst of the human condition.
Kimberly from Calif. You got it right. You just cut through all the BS and say it like it is.
I have lived in Maine, and up there if you saw dogs running deer, you just shot them if you could get a bead on 'em. No questions asked.
Now, how did this dog owner find out that you shot his dog? Did you tell him?
In that case, it sounds like a personal grudge type issue, ala Hatfields & McCoys, that could take a while to adjudicate.
Have fun...
EweSheep, Yes, if only all were responsible. But it's the human condition to think: "Oh, that doesn't apply to me".
Or - Nothing will come of ignoring the rule this time.
The same as following the speed limit or other traffic signs.
"No problem" Until it happens. Then it's "I'll never do it again" or It wasn't my fault" anything to save face and avoid self examination...
I know, as I am as guilty as anyone.
No dog owner wants to realize how blood thirsty their pet can be when in a pack.
Maybe they do, but they're in denial: not my Rusty...
No wonder the Aliens don't care to visit this planet and make themselves known... hehe

Hello all
As I said. I have been asked to go before our city council and present my story. A lot of confusion on the way this has been treated and hope to clear not only the air about the laws up, but also the injustice and danger they have place our community in by just letting a law breaker and bad dog owner(Irresponsible Dog Owners ) walk free.
“Walk free”. The police are no better than Mr Gapp. Just like Gapp releasing his two dogs on us. The police have release an Ugly, inhuman, irresponsible, dog owner to terrorize his neighbors and the wildlife of our community. Of course this is just my options the facts don’t stand for them self’s not in this time and date. No one is ever hurt by dog/dogs. Actually truly(Irresponsible Dog Owners) should be blamed.
Wait tell you see what I have found and put together. Facts laws that people like Mr Gapp are going to hate. I have my camera ready for this next time and also an audio recorder.

If they think for a moment I would not stop an attack on our home, our children, our birds (chicken/turkeys), our dog, my wonderful old neighbors(70’s 80’s) wait tell they(attackers) cross our property line again.
If you are not part of a solution. Then you are part of the problem. Our community needs to wake up along with this state and our nation. We all are neighbors. What happen to one we all should feel outraged cause it is not far off our own door steps or property line or communities waiting to happen to you?

Irresponsible Dog Owners like Mr Gapp need their day in court, fined, jailed, dogs labeled, and or dog/dogs taken away.

United States
Although using a firearm against an attacking dog may seem acceptable, laws in the United States which prohibit discharging a firearm in a city, and reckless endangerment may limit the extent to which a person is legally able to defend themselves in this way.[citation needed] Taking such actions where the dog/dogs involved were not acting aggressively towards humans may result in legal charges against the person who shot the animal. No person in the United States has ever been convicted of a crime for firing a gun or using any other weapon to stop or kill a dog that was currently attacking him/her. [9]
Some state laws hold dog owners liable for the harm or damage that their animal causes to people or other dogs. For example, in recent years, Florida dog bite laws have been changed so that prior vicious tendencies may no longer be needed to prove owner liability.[3] In Texas, as of September 1, 2007, `Lillian's Law' has taken effect, whereby the owner of a dog that causes death or serious bodily injury may be charged with a second or third degree felony when the attack takes place outside the dog's normal place of confinement (Texas Health & Safety Code Chapter 882).

Remember they added Animal abuse 1 in my case along with discharge of a weapon. What is next? Who is next?

I hope none of you!!!
ed harris
You need to

1) take your children to the city council and let them state what they saw, heard and their emotions/reactions. Hearing a child say she/he was terrified has a strong emotional impact on those listening.

2) collect statistical data about dog bites and injuries, especially the data related to breeds

3) collect references to the laws governing you: federal, state, county, local; also find related judicual rulings

4) bring one or two of your most personable chickens with you.

5) bring photos of your coop, pen and the surrounding areas

6) bring manufacturer's data about the impact of the pellet gun, as well as samples of the pellets (you probably need to arrange this ahead of time)
Just be careful what you say at the council meeting as, I would imagine, your enemy will be taking notes somehow.

Fight it. Your on the side of right. Never give into a bully or to what is right. Insist that your insurance company fight it. They represent you too. They also have a large stake in this. Insist that they not settle.

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