Good news  good luck CH


ach du gut!!

baby girlzzzzzzz  SNOW!!  it didnt even lay here!!

Good Luck Ralphie!! 

Very pretty eggies!!!  did you keep any chickens you hatched from us?

Awesome image!!! @BantyChooks
  Dont think we have guniea candles Dan, keep posting and we can make a full post of these types candles at specific days!!  Thank you and good luck!!

Dan are you on FB?  there is a great page I would show you should u be on there.  if interested msg me,  its a vet site

yer awesome Momma!  hugs and goodmornin

@Sally Sunshine in my wanderings online Schlecht Hatchery was about the cheapest for CX, I know nothing about them though.
Dunlap Hatchery actually has CX hatching eggs .95 cents ea and $14 shipping on first dz, $3 doz after that. Dunlap is the only place I've seen that doesn't charge more for eggs than they do live chicks and only one I've seen offer a good variety of hatching eggs.
I don't understand that, unless they figure you want them you'll pay.
@Sally Sunshine in my wanderings online Schlecht Hatchery was about the cheapest for CX, I know nothing about them though.
Dunlap Hatchery actually has CX hatching eggs .95 cents ea and $14 shipping on first dz, $3 doz after that. Dunlap is the only place I've seen that doesn't charge more for eggs than they do live chicks and only one I've seen offer a good variety of hatching eggs.
I don't understand that, unless they figure you want them you'll pay.
hmmm eggs intersting, I will look them up! thank you Les!!

Quote: very lovely!!
Last hatch OE Marans and Cuckoo marans OE blue Marans OE

Reminder I am getting tons of these eggs right now! and hens are under a BCM ROO

took these to post them for sale lol

Is the light string for the brooder idea in the notes?
What size/wattage?

Not sure Dax, Peter is tester of strings

Dax if you want the OE or a mix of what I can get for you for three days and send message me please! No old lady is NOT laying yet ugggg but the crele are, I think I am sending some to Jess though first.

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