Good morning everyone! :frow

Chilly, 47*F brrrrr.
Supposed to rain here all day; so much for doing anything outside. I might put a nest box in the extra coop for the one broody that seems to "live" on the nest, so if she hatches any the other birds can't break them, and I'll know for sure who the culprit is.
I know my grandfather's dried cured with salt and smoke house, well that's how a lot of people did it, some still do. I've occasionally bought dried cured hams. Some people around here still have a smokehouse. Some people still use spring houses for keeping food cold, a couple weeks ago an Amish kid drowned in one, very sad.

What???!!!! :eek: Turn the lights off! :lau
Nooooooooooooooooo! Don't take my lights away. runcirclsmiley2.gif
Morning Mike the broody hen pulled off a miracle. 9 chicks there were weeks where the temp was never under 100 and some days 110 during the three weeks
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I dunno... She hasn't moved in a few weeks, so maybe you'll get to stay back there after all.
I think she is STILL Broody! :lol:
Hey don't laugh...I have one that does that! She hatches a bunch and she starts sitting 3 days later. And still raises her brood!:th
I popped into a hurricane prep thread momentarily. It reminded me how lucky I am to have an old house.
I have a cement cellar way. I have actually kept chickens in there before. I can let the four ducks and three bantams I have penned stay in there, or put them in the.... what is the cold storage room called again? I'm not fully caffeinated yet.
Anyway, I have rooms in the cellar. The chickens that refuse to sleep in the coop are outa luck. They wouldn't even go into the coop.
You scheduled to get any weather other than rain?
I wish I had you two around...I got one a few years ago...and it's not a priority so it's still waiting.:rolleyes: :th


Supposed to rain here all day; so much for doing anything outside. I might put a nest box in the extra coop for the one broody that seems to "live" on the nest, so if she hatches any the other birds can't break them, and I'll know for sure who the culprit is.

Rain supposed to get here this afternoon.


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