Yes as a matter of fact I am. :gig


TJ!! :frow

I'm doin wonderful- you?
Really? :gig

You have no idea what it took for me to walk out with only that much! As I stood in line, I tossed a new horse into my open purse. Spare pants, wipes and diapers were showing along with a sippy cup. I think I looked pretty funny as it was. I almost brought Duckling in with me.
Besides, living on her sun porch makes an easy commute to the Coffee Shop!


I assume you have little chickens and ducks on that porch...

She actually has three new ducks in there! A Pekin mix as well as two Mallards. All drakes. Very friendly. Someone dropped them off a little over a week ago. I said I was going to eat them, and she decided to keep them for herself.
Quote: Oh, man, that happens to me sometimes. I went on a total Cirque du Soleil video binge the other night, stayed up so late I was almost late for work...

Quote: They were fine last winter in a pretty open tractor, huddled in a pile. I'm mostly worried about the ones severely molting at this point. Not sure I'll ever be able to break their habit, I may just put up a windbreak for them for the winter.


Quote: I don't think that's what they mean when they say "Set all the eggs!"

I'm beat, just started yawning a lot - so I'm heading to bed. See y'all later!

- Ant Farm
Hi everyone. I have some questions. I haven't incubated for some time now because of unsuccessful hatching but couldn't stay away from it and decided to give it a try again. The problem is that I had a hard time keeping the temperature steady. Now they are hatching and look kind of weak One have its gut a little out. What can I do? Or what can I expect? The temperature were on average 98 to 101.

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