EE and Ameracanas Gender


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2018
I have three 3 month old chickens. I've been trying to tell who is boy who is girl. Found lots of info, but dont know who reliable some of it is. The one i am going to show you I believe is an Easter Egger. Only until now did I think this one was a pullet, but now I think it may be a cockerel. I read some where that if the bird has a pea comb with 3 ridges its a cockerel and if its just 1 then its a hen. Honestly, thhis breed and mix is a tuff one to judge. Any thoughts?
Oh thank you for your thoughts. Ive been stressing. I know its silly, but when you build some affection for something or someone its kinda hard to want to let them go. Its funny, because literally just before i posted i thought pullet. I'm always keeping my eye on their behavior. My girlfriend thinks I am obsessed. And well, I am a little I admit, but whatever. Its been my dream. Ill post some more pics in a few. The one you have seen is Gretel. I named her so because she can be a little greedy with the treats. The others are Dolores and Winnie. Ty ty ty again. Its nice to have outside opinions on matters some people just probably will never understand.
I agree its a pullet.

All pea combs should have three rows. In some females the two outside rows can be very small and it makes it look like they only have one row. In males the three rows are often of equal size so it's easier to see the three distinct rows. That's where the one row vs three rows 'myth' comes from.

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