EE/Barred Rock roo?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Rio Rico, Arizona
The mother was a Barred Rock and the father an Easter Egger. Currently 17 weeks old, is he a rooster?
I have another that came from the same breeder, and I know he's a rooster because he's already crowing! I wake up very early to hear, then I watch and so far this one has yet to crow. Also, this one is aggressive to the hens when free ranging and eating in the coop (he/she has to be the first to eat), it'll stay out of the other roo's way though. I'll put a picture of both! If you need better pictures or more information, please feel free to ask! I want to re-home him asap (if he's a roo).

Confirmed Rooster above. :b

So, roo or hen?
Well, that stinks! I would've loved to have an EE/Barred Rock hen.
Based on his behavior, i'm better off getting rid of him right? They were all hand raised.. The other rooster hasn't hurt the pullets at all and they all kinda follow his lead.
Breeding an ee roo over a barred rock hen will give you sex link babies. The barred birds will be cockerels. If you want a barred easter egger, you have to put a barred roo over ee hens. I know there are threads here about folks breeding these, they're cool.

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