ee sexing thread...(pics only please)

I picked 2 babies out of the straight run bin at TSC.......tried to use the tips in here to snag two girls. I think one is a boy. And of course it's my favorite. Sigh..... Will have to get pics. But he is about 4 weeks and I see some brown coming out on his wings. :( I already have an EE roo......but Fozy is soooo sweet! I may have to have two. LOL!

I have an Easter egger (brown one). She was sexed as a pullet, but I'm not sure!
I've noticed from the pictures you guys have posted that usually the males have bigger beards. Which scares me that I might have Roos, I do think the black one is because of the way he acts but I'm really hoping the brown\gray is a pullet she is my favorite, follows me everywhere. (Black is Guinness, brown is Hops) also I was told these were pure Ameraucana when I was hatching them but I've come to believe these are probably EE's. I'm new to the terms so I may be using them wrong.




These were taken a few days ago they are about 2 weeks old now, I'll have to get some updated pictures because their feathers have come in a lot better now.
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I know how u feel! I have an EE that may be a cockerel, but I'm hoping she isn't because she's BEST FRIENDS with another one of my pullets. Like they won't leave each other's sides. If the EE's a cockerel I'll have to separate them!!!! :(
6 weeks tomorrow. Thank you I thought so too which is why I'll be so sad if it ends up being a roo. We already have one and only have a total of 14 birds so I only need 1.

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