Eerie photos

Found them! Even the last one.

I need some help finding the tiger........
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Quote: Lol, It is creepy!

Can someone please PM me and let me know where the person is hiding in the picture? Please?
Yeah! Me too!

This one didnt have anything to find. I just think its creepy lol

Lol, don't feed that kitty!

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That's terrifying once you see it...shiver.
Quote: *shivers*

My friend sent this to me after I sent him the couch one.

What is the error in this photo?

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scared me!
Someone please tell me where the person is in the forest picture.

I'm a hunter, so this is particularly frustrating me... And I am ashamed to admit that I cannot find it!
Lol :[

My boss sent me that one with the addition that if you turned your speakers up, you could hear hints. Well, I had my headphones pressed to my ears when it "went off".

I may have peed a little.

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