Eerie photos

I just read through all these pages. The only really creepy one is the lady against the tree *shudders*. I was not expecting that! The only thing I don't like about the faces ones is that it's just.the.head.....Reminds me of a movie when and old lady is talking about what one of her servants saw on Halloween night "...and in the blanket...lay a severed head." *gulp*.

But I cannot for the life of me find that third blasted deer!
The shadow?

Only the Shadow knows.

I guess it does kinda look like a deer, maybe a fawn, if you turn head to the left.

Its not in the corner if you can find the 2th deer look at it head then look slightly across and down the third deers head is about right there

What? I even turned my laptop upside-down and on each side and I could not see it! The shadow looks more like a deer to me.

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