EEs, what gender?

Peacomb chickens are difficult to sex. It seemed like it was ages before I could venture a guess on my Ameraucanas. I had pretty good success going by the width and color of the comb. By the pics, I am going to guess that 4 & 6 are girls.
MyPerfectChicken: where did you get the chicks?

Looking at the photos, most of them look female. Their eyes look gentle. #6 looks like 2 different chickens in each of the shots...?

We got from Ideal as packing (we had wrote on the order no extra males) they are calmer then our other EE from Hoffman's !!!

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I was wondering if they were "supposed to" be males or females, or if they were totally random picks. My very first EE was purchased as a "pullet chick", but grew up to be a big ugly rooster. An EE hen I bought as an older chicken, the owner said they got her for free, as a "cockerel" chick, also a mistake!
Last spring I bought 4 EE "pullets". For a long time I was thinking I had 4 boys, that there must have been a mix-up at the hatchery. They all looked tall, long necked, and hawk-faced, and all looked male to me. After 3 months, it started to look like only 2 were boys. Eventually only 1 of the 4 was actually a boy.

Both my EE roosters had fierce, angry eyes. The EE hens eyes look gentle. They all have hawkish faces, but the roosters' faces get fiercer looking as they mature. Some of my EE hens have "worried" sounding voices.

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