Effectiveness of Marek's vaccine?

Are there certain breeds/types of chickens that more susceptible to markes than others at least in general. I know that it also depends on where that individual line comes from. But anyway I'm trying to avoid chickens that are more likely to be susceptibility to mareks and get chicken breeds/types that are usually more Mareks resistant.
Thank you.
There are and one of them is Sebrights. I would look up the studies and read thoroughly tho just in case it was a anomaly. But mostly it's going to be chickens with weak immune systems but even healthy ones can get it and just never show signs.
Silkies and polish are more susceptible. I've read Egyptian Fayoumi are resistant. Microchick has a really informative article on Mareks and they discuss how the different breeds have done in a Mareks positive flock.
Is it possible to give a link to this?
The vaccine can be very effective when done correctly and when understood. The vaccine is not made from Chicken Marek's, they use Turkey Marek's. That means you will not infect your other chickens by vaccinating a few. It cannot be transmitted to chickens because it is made from Turkey Marek's. Chickens cannot get Turkey Marek's.

The vaccine does not prevent your chickens from developing Marek's if they are exposed to it. The vaccine prevents the formation of the tumors that cause the problems. It is possible for a vaccinated chicken to transmit the virus to other chickens while showing no symptoms themselves.
There are and one of them is Sebrights. I would look up the studies and read thoroughly tho just in case it was a anomaly. But mostly it's going to be chickens with weak immune systems but even healthy ones can get it and just never show signs.
So Sebrights are more susceptible to mareks?
I heard that breeds like pearl white leghorns and other egg layers are more susceptible to mareks is this true?

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